My First Day in MGM

As the morning of 27th June came it was a new way for me to go. At morning I walk up and i was happy to go to my new school i.e, MGM HSS Kuruppampady. As i entered to the school compound i found many people chatting each other and during my entry i was alone. Then, when i went inside i saw many of my friends standing on the stairs. I joined with them and we went to the hall where the function for new students was going on. There where many Functions going on. Principal Speech, Manager Speech, Chief Guest Speech etc. At last the only function was to group the children to the classes. A teacher came near the mic and started reading the names of the students who are in her class i.e.A1. She called my name and i was happy to a member of the A1 computer Batch Family. She called 39 boys and 14girls. It was a shock to know that there where 39 boys in my class. The teacher called us all and took us to ourA1 classroom. The class room was dark. After entering the class we opened the windows and then light came. I was seated at the last bench with jishnu s and anand. The teacher began to say her whole profile and then she asked us our name and from which school we came. The chat was over and she began to say about the school rules and regulations. After that we boys had a chat together and all new names became familiar to me. It was a pleasant first day for me....
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